The painting of Maxwell Smart is oil on panel 20" x 24"
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Painting Commissioned Portraits
dog portraits,
oil on panel,
Palm trees
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Illustrations for Three Digital Picture Books on utales

They are available at There is also an iphone and ipad app available on itunes. Paloma's Pie is written by my collaborating author Jean Heilprin Diehl.
I did all the illustrations on an ipad using Sketchbook Pro. I included sounds and animation in The Princess on the Pea and The Baker Dog, by utilizing the utales tools.
Any book you purchase on utales supports Pencils of Promise So you can read a picture book with a child while helping another child somewhere in the world!

Monday, November 7, 2011
Portrait of a Family
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Two new interiors-"Girl in Chair" paintings
oil painting,
paintings of dogs
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Summer Mural Installation

The mural I have been working on all summer was installed on Tuesday. I spent yesterday, touching up the seams and adding a few things. The installer, Stefan Alexander did a beautiful job putting it up. It is not an easy task handling all that canvas in a small space and hanging it without a crease or a wrinkle. I painted the hinges in the little door in the wall to disguise it. And I painted the doorknob, adding a few ladybugs. I also added some vines and olive branches wound into the shape of an infinity sign, among the doves above the window. And I put a big rabbit right in the foreground. He will be a guardian to Nicole when she plays in her room. Here are some details:

Golden acrylics,
mystic garden,
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Summer Mural

Golden acrylics,
tree house,
wall painting
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Young Girl and Two Dogs in Summer

I finished this painting the other day. The catalyst for it was a photo I took of my daughter when she was about 13. I have had it on my drawing table in my studio since then (eight years) and I have always wanted to incorporate it into a painting. The setting is Andy's Way and it is late in the day- my favorite place and time. The dog running through the water is Rembrandt, who discovered that he loves water last summer. I guess he has some lab in him deep down in his gene pool. The Springer was inspired by my friend's dog, named McDuff.
The painting is 18" x 24" oil on panel.
springer spanial,
Monday, March 7, 2011
Portrait of a Relationship

This is the narrative portrait that I finished recently. It was commissioned by a woman for the man she was about to marry, as a wedding gift. It was presented to him on the nineteenth and they were married on the 26th! It was a great project because the client completely understood the concept of a narrative portrait and had so many ideas to bring to the painting. The picture tells the story of their first "meaningful" date as well as the story of the proposal. Elements in the painting tell of her interests and his interests and how they are bringing those things and melding them into their relationship. Their dog, who is a big part of the picture (real and metaphorically) is the narrator of the painting and makes eye contact with the viewer. The client didn't want to be very "big" in the painting but rather wanted to be secondary to the story the painting is telling. Thus they are the couple standing in the middle distance, on the bank of the Chesapeake. Other elements of the painting emphasize the concept of a twosome- two sailboats, two trees, two towers on the bridge, etc. Here are four images from the first thumbnail studies, to the composition on graph paper, to the grisaille with partial imprimatura, and the finished painting below. It is oil on panel, 24" x 36".

oil on panel,
wedding gift
Monday, January 31, 2011
Children's Book Conference Notes

I attended the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators this weekend. It was fantastic and very inspiring. I knew when I went that I would either decide to give up writing and illustrating children's books or I would be completely absorbed in the whole process again. Well the latter is what happened. The speakers at the conference were great. I really enjoyed Jules Feiffer, illustrator of The Phantom Tollbooth. His drawings are absolutely amazing....oh the line!! I also loved the stories that Lois Lowry told about the inspiration for her books. I still feel like my ideas and goals for my books are way left of center, and definitely not mass market, but I will keep going anyway. I am also fascinated by the idea of designing children books apps and I intend to figure out a way to do that with Mr. Hubbard's Heart. Above is a sketch and a finished image for "Crazy Canes" by JH Diehl.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Looking Out Andy's Way

Looking Out, Andy's Way oil on panel 18" x 24"
This is another painting inspired by Block Island and the human- dog relationship. In this painting, three boys and two dogs make up a pack, sitting by the water towards the end of the day, just watching the tide come in.
block island,
oil on panel,
paintings of dogs
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